Patron: St. Francis Xavier
Symbol: Pink Lotus
Ideal: Spirituality and Endeavor
Value : Generosity and Availability
Feast: 3rd December
St. Francis Xavier was an early Jesuit priest and missionary to India. He was deeply impressed by these thought provoking words “What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and loses his soul?” St. Francis Xavier reflected on the meaning of the words and his Spiritual life was shaped by God’s word and inspiration. St. Francis made God’s love known to those around him by his preaching and care for families, and the poor.
The Lotus Symbolizes Spirituality, for even though it grows in stagnant waters it spreads its beauty generously around. Let us Endeavour to do the same not with words but by our everyday living. Bloom where you are planted by God and spread His goodness around you by good deeds of generous giving of your time and talents and being available to anyone who needs your help.
CAPTAIN: Ms. Aarya Parab
VICE CAPTAIN: Ms. Zahura Shaikh