One of the main objectives of the House System is to foster in the students a sense of collective responsibility and of solidarity, at the same time enkindling and developing the latent potential in every child.

There are Four Houses in our School

Sr. No. Colour Patron Motto Principle Upheld
1 Red Blessed Dina Belanger (White Rose) “Judge not and you will not be judged” Faithful, Peace, Purity, Punctuality
2 Blue St. Francis Xavier (Pink Lotus) “What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and lose his soul”? Spiritual, Ambitious, Generosity, Endevarance
3 Yellow St. Claudine Thevenet (Violet) “Forgive, as it is in forgiving that we are forgiven”. Calmness, Helpfulness, Patience, Forgiving.
4 Green St. Ignatius Loyola (Carnation) “For the greater glory of God” Love, Sacrifice, Understanding.