Summer Vacation – Ms. Bilkis
Summer Vacation
Ms. Ashwini
Commitment – Ms. Priya Awal
“Remembering my childhood” – Ms. Parminder Pagare
Education 2.0 – Ms. Shabnam
For more than a decade, education has been undergoing tremendous amount of transformation. It has been significant and ground-breaking as we look back now, propelled by advancements in technology, capricious societal values, and the need for development which is also sustainable. Let us ponder over some key drifts which are shaping the educational panorama today:
– Remote and Hybrid Learning: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the necessity and possibility to adopt the trend of online and blended learning models, which have greater flexibility and access to education worldwide.
– Personalized Learning: The AI has facilitated a more customised and tailored education which befits students’ needs, abilities, and learning styles.
– Skills Training: Besides providing a theoretical knowledge, the education today inclines towards and emphasises skills like critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence to prepare students for a metamorphosing world of workplace.
– Environmental Education: Facilitators of education are prioritizing literacy about environmental changes, accountability, and sustainability, to enable the students to be aware and alert of the challenges and also empower them to address the same.
– Inclusive and Accessible Learning: Tremendous efforts have been undertaken to make education innovative thereby promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. This will ensure that learning opportunities are available to all.
As education advances into a new era, let us embrace a fresh approach that harnesses technology, prioritizes individualized learning, and focuses on nurturing students’ physical, social, and emotional well-being.
Ms. Susanna
Through CREATIVE JOURNALLING, one can always work through problems, come up with new ideas or just relax and reflect on your day. Through this medium, I am able destress my self and tickle my creative side to create artistic pieces. – Ms Susanna
Mrs. Diviny Antony
Promoting Growth Mindset over Fixed Mindset
- By Deepa Banerjee
According to Carol Dweck (2006) there are two types of Mindsets –
- Fixed mindset
- Growth mindset.
A student having a Growth Mindset has the understanding that abilities and understanding can be developed. The students with a Growth Mindset believe that they can get smarter, more intelligent, and more talented through putting in time and effort.
In contrast, a student having a Fixed Mindset is one that assumes abilities and understanding are relatively fixed. The students with a Fixed Mindset may not believe that intelligence can be enhanced, or that either have it or don’t when it comes to abilities and talents.
It is proven that students with a growth mindset view intelligence, abilities, and talents as learnable and capable of improvement through effort. On the other hand, students with a fixed mindset view those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time.
When students are taught a growth mindset, they take advantage of opportunities for self-development. A growth mindset rewards striving and struggle, seeing failure as an integral part of the process toward growth. A perspective that sees change and growth as possible facilitates collaboration and negotiation even when there is disagreement and conflict. This would lead to positive self-image and increased Motivation in learners.
Thus, changing beliefs is essential to achieve a powerful impact. The growth mindset creates a powerful passion for learning. According to Carol Dweck. “Why waste time proving over and over how great you are,when you could be getting better?”
Students and their parents in today’s world have become obsessed with getting A’s. They dream of the next test to prove themselves by only being grade centric instead of dreaming big. A by-product of this is that as a part of society we are making them dependent on the validation of others instead of believing in themselves.
My Dear Rain,
How are you?
More importantly.. What are you?
God’s love
From above,
Or mere completion of the Water cycle..
A shower from the sky,
The answer to Cuckoo’s cry,
Or just another Calendar season..
We welcome you as a friend,
How eagerly we wait
The news of your arrival,
The Earth celebrates.
The world gets rejuvenated
You really beat the heat.
The bright green flush you bring
Is definitely a treat
In different ways one perceives you,
In different colours one receives you,
Some are excited, ready for a rain dance-
Others worried- At leaking roofs they glance.
But you lose your purpose
Sooner than you know..
Everyone who greeted you,
Prays to God – YOU GO.
You know you are Powerful
You must learn to control
How you trouble God’s beings
Without remorse or console.
When you down-pour with all your might,
It’s water – water, where goes the sight
Why do you cause destruction and flood
The tragedy, the shedding of innocent blood.
Why cause pandemonium
When gently work is done..
Let there be smiles around..
Because ... Rain has begun…
Teacher – Secondary section
बचपन की यादें
यादों का वह एक पिटारा ,
कुछ अधूरा सा तो कुछ पूरा l
सँजोए रखा हैं यादों में बचपन ,
खुले तो महकता सा उपवन l
खिलखिलाकर हँसना ,
अब बात है पुरानी l
मुस्कराहट ही रह गयी
कुछ सच्ची तो कुछ मुखौटे वाली l
दोस्तों का वह मेला ,
जिसमें ना था कोई अकेला l
रह गया आज हर कोई तन्हाँ ,
ज़िंदगी की दौड़ में कुछ सिमटा कुछ सहमा l
भिन्न- भिन्न खेलों का खज़ाना,
मानों कहीं छिप गया है वो ज़माना l
केवल बटनों से होता है अब मनोरंजन ,
लुप्त हो गया विचारों का मंथन l
सफ़र की यादें अभी भी हैं ताज़ा ,
माना सबने संग चलने में ही है मज़ा l
मंजिलें ही नहीं रिश्ते भी बदल गए ,
सफ़र और समय दोनों ही सिमट गए l
छूटा बचपन का वो गलियारा ,
बदलते वक्त का चक्र हमनें स्वीकारा l
यादों का वह एक पिटारा ,
कुछ अधूरा सा तो कुछ पूराl
By – Mrs Durga Singh
तुम सूरज हो
तुम ज्योति नही ,
तुम सूरज हो,
अपनी किरणों को फैलाओ तुम,
कण-कण को रौशन कर दो तुम ।
जब किरणें तुम्हारी फैलेंगी,
सारे जग को उज्ज्वल कर देगी,
कुछ चंदा को चमकाएंगी ,
कुछ वसुधा को नहलाएंगी ।
उदय होकर पुनः अस्त होना,
यह है संसार का कटु सत्य ,
इनसे तुमको ना डरना है,
बस आगे-आगे बढ़ना है ।
तुम रुको नहीं,
तुम थको नहीं ,
तुम बुझो नहीं ,
तुम झुको नहीं ,
अपना करतब दिखलाओ तुम ,
हर मुश्किल को अपनाओ तुम ,
पूरी कर लो प्रत्येक आस ,
निरंतर करते रहो प्रयास ।
तम सदैव तुम्हें डराएगा ,
प्रतिपल ग्रहण लगाएगा ,
ग्रहणों के डर से डरो नहीं ,
तुमसे तम जीत ना पाएगा ,
अपनी मुँह की खा जाएगा ।
तुम्हें सूरज सा चमकना है,
हीरे सा दमकना है।
फूलों सा महकना है,
अग्नि सा दहकना है,
खुद का व्यक्तित्व दिखाना है ,
बस आगे बढ़ते जाना है ।
बस आगे बढ़ते जाना है।
Asst.Teacher – Ms. Pooja Dubey
(Hindi Dipartment)
Why is everyone frantic about falling?
But why do we expect the rain to fall ?
If the rain isn’t afraid of falling down to refresh our mood why
can’t we.
Fall doesn’t only mean failure.
There is a beauty in falling.
The most admirable season is fall.
The fall season gives us unforgettable memories and leaves
many lessons.
Same when you fall you learn.
If jumping is your happiness then falling should be joy as well.
Who knows when you fall you might be a falling rain or the fall
that everyone enjoys in someone’s life.
If you will, falling won’t be a failure but a triumph.
Write up by –
Ms. Melba
The Culturally enhanced Resilient India of Future!
In my words:
The culture has been the foundation stone
Of all the civilizations to us known
Let us all take the legacy forward
Among all the existing virtues, may culture take the throne
“Unity in diversity, that is India’s specialty” Very true! India is a nation of multiple languages, religions, dance, music, food and customs. Indian culture, frequently termed as a combination of multiple cultures, has been influenced by a history that is several millennia old, beginning with the Indus Valley Civilization and other early cultural areas. Several factors of Indian culture, like Philosophy, Languages, Mathematics, Dance and Music, architecture have had a profound impact across the world.
The fun and fervor which Indians have been enjoying since time immemorial has been a part that cannot be extracted from the memories. The nostalgia becomes stronger when the older generation revisits their past. With every coming generation, the technology advances but the legacy to carry on the festivals, its rituals, its norms are followed and taken ahead. In the earlier times with the less population, we had multiple celebrations with people gathering and many of the festivals developed in order to have people coming together and celebrating, barring the cast creed and the economic level. India has always been multicultural and multi ethnic and has been celebrating the festivals of various religions. The Independence Day, the Republic Day and the Gandhi Jayanti been three national holidays in addition to many other state-wise and region wise local festival have been popular not only with the natives but also among the other nations of the world. Festival is a very important part of our integration.
Clothing, cuisine, literature, language, architecture and festivals have been part of the cultural development. Music and dance, as well as all the performing arts have been playing an influential role in the development of culture and all these factors become part of bringing several nations together bringing in the harmony among the population of the world.
The future must come in the form of technically developed India along with the flourishing, happy and healthy society. We look forward to the humans controlling the machines and not the vice versa. The various forms of clothing being part of different states should be giving way to more employment and may we see more looms coming up, to settle the small-scale industries for the benefit of this voluptuous population. Along with the improvement in the financial status, there would be revival of the traditional clothing and cloth materials. Engagement of families that knows how to create, would be a boon to the growth. Architectural monuments may become a part of national and international tourism bringing with it the primary concern of maintenance to preserve them well. Accountability leads to profitability and we can ensure with it the very essence of the survival of monuments, sculptures, employment, state wise revenue inflow along with the cherry on cake, the culture.
The harmony and Bon hominess is integral to any society and for that purpose, I see there would be a drastic shift from the nuclear to the bigger families; from celebrating in solitude to celebration of community; from ‘me’ to ‘us’ and that would be the flavor of the festivals. Future would be richly enhanced with ‘We shall overcome with walking hand in hand’ mindset. My futuristic vision of India is indeed a very positive one with the learnings from the past. The wars and conflicts have already devoid people of the resources and have given them the lesson for the future. We being resilient in nature, has helped tremendously in bringing us back to normal. The cultural rainbow of India would surely be more colorful with its set of colors to make nation shine and we would be seeing the nation that becomes exemplary. The cultural diversification would become profound factor for the financial, physical, emotional and psychological development. Good Health is a state of the mind which is being socially, physically and mentally happy and that would be with the entire nation as I envision India to be moving progressively. The nation would flourish under the wings of liberal attitude and broader views on religion, language and literature. The literature has proven to be a very good resource of bringing changes to the society. The better infrastructure, the availability of multiple streams would be bringing to us many more noble laureates of literature. The society gets impacted with word-crafters way of influential articles and speeches. I see the year ahead with many more commanding orators, confidents speakers and prominent leaders. My idea of my nation with respect to cultural enhancement is to see my nation getting applause from the other nations for being right and just; for being the nation that utilizes its population as human resource in a constructive manner and the cuisine, sports, languages, sculptures and philosophy etc. bring a wider horizon to it.
Developed nations have higher happiness quotient and that comes with the appropriate revenues and resources. Let us all make sure that we bring the reformation for the upliftment of society, for all the states and the regions. We are Indians and we shall follow the culture of humanity. Let the light be kindled and may the shine spread all over. Let us all take the nation towards a greater goal of We All Shall Grow. Once again, few lines penned by me-
I dream of India that is ours
None of the mind is behind bars
We feel liberated with the onset of Light
The light of wisdom that is culturally bright
I envision 2047 to be an exemplary year
Where the head is held high and without fear
The culture will integrate growth with the population
That is when we will see the rising nation
Traditions shall be seeing the revival
The nation will see the growth’s arrival
Harmony and peace would be acknowledged with zeal
Humanity will prevail with its utmost feel
May we all pledge to see language and literature further!
May we celebrate the festivals of freedom with fervour!
India in 2047 shall be an enlightened nation
that would be a promise of resource conservation.
For the nation to survive for millions of years
without the agonies, pain and tears.
The India that we want to see on the platform of the world with a vision of “United we stand, divided we fall” encompassing all the cultures with their variations. The ‘kose kose par badle paani, chaar kose par vaani’ idiom has been existing since the time immemorial, yet keeping the population integrated as one Bhartiya and that is the jewel in the crown. We need to see to it that we propagate with the thought of keeping Culture intact along with the development in the arenas of Science, Technology, Politics and Sports.
Article by-
Ms.Radhika Bhandari
( Teacher- Secondary Section
युवावस्था – एक् तपस्या
जीवन में इक रसधार लिए
तुम नित सपने बुनते जाना
संघर्षों को पतवार बना
तुम नैया को खेते जाना।
है पथिक कई जीवन पथ पर
पर तुम्हें समझकर बढ़ना है
हर राह को निरख परख कर ही
गंतव्य मार्ग से जुड़ना है।
शूल मिलेंगे और पुष्प भी
जीवन मिश्रित भावों का कुंज
ध्येय सुनिश्चित जो कर लेते
राह बनता स्वयं ज्योतिपुंज।
पीड़ाओं को परे हटा कर
अब तुम गर्जित ललकार करो
दीप्तिमान बन अखंड अटल तुम
यौवन की जय जय कार करो।
तुम से ही है नींव राष्ट्र की
स्वशक्ति का मनन करो
विश्व विजयि बनोगे तुम ही
कर्तव्यनिष्ठ वन सृजन करो।
Poem by-
राधिका भंडारी
( Teacher- Secondary Section)