On the 1st of July,2023, Convent of Jesus and Mary International School, Kharghar had arranged a field trip to the Times of India (TOI) Press, Airoli. We left from school at 1:45pm and reached the press at around 2:30. A maximum of 30,including students and teachers, were going on this trip. The building was built on 11 acres of land. The press is the fastest and the best producer of newspapers in the whole of Asia.
We were first shown a short movie named ‘A Day in the life of a Newspaper’. It involved various pieces of information. We realised that there were 4 primary units to make sure that the news from all over the world is made known to 1.4 crore people across the nation, namely, the response, editorial, results and marketing department.
We were taken on a tour around the factory. The first area was a massive store room where large bundles of papers were stacked on top of each other. These bundles are imported from various countries like Russia.
We were lead to the ink containers while passing through many advanced machines to transfer the paper and cut it. Each of these machines cost crores of rupees and a majority of them are imported from Germany.
We got to see how to newspapers acquired their colour and were given the opportunity to see the next days’ news as well. The machines are so advanced that they produce lakhs of papers in under an hour or two. It was a massive area with multiple floors and rooms each dedicated to a certain task. Each team fulfilled their job with utmost sincerity. Not a minute is wasted, with every second being utilised to produce and supply newspapers daily. The value of punctuality and time management is reflected in every area within the vicinity.
It was a very informative experience. Never did I know that the process of making a newspaper is this vast. The team, under the guidance of Sir Rahul Pardesi answered all our queries with enthusiasm and clarity. This was a once in a lifetime experience to cherish and learn from. Reading a newspaper from now on will always be held in high regards and in a different light.
The Times of India office in Airoli is a magnificent building spread across 11 acres of land. We 24 students of our school from Economics and Commercial applications were fortunate enough to visit the same.
It Is Asia’s largest and fastest producer. It produces 1,20,000 papers in 1hour. It is the only printing press to use advanced technologies to print newspapers in India. Everyday it reaches out to 1.4 crore people across our nation.
The building had a large number of machineries which are automated which results that the whole process of producing of newspapers is largely done by machines automatically and very less people are involved in the production.
The warehouse is filled with towers of huge rolls of paper which are 18kms in length. Such huge rolls are used in just 13 minutes and 130 or so rolls are used in a day. The plates, the four main secondary colors which are used to print the papers etc are just some amazing pieces of information which nobody knew until now.
Overall the trip was wonderful and it helped us gain a lot of commercial knowledge.
organised by Convent Of Jesus And Mary International School on 1st
July 2023. The Times of India- Airoli is the largest printing press of
Asia, it prints one lakh prints per hour.
There are 1200 employees in the press. The manufactured unit is spread
across eleven acre. There were twenty four students along with the
teacher and principal. We left the school by 1:50 pm and reached the
venue by 2:30 pm.
The visit began with a video of a “day in the life of a newspaper “.
Mr. Rahul Pardeshi explained to us how the newspapers are produced
everyday. The various teams involved in the process are highly
dedicated .We saw the Rolls of paper which are exported from Russia
and were introduced to many super modern machines.
Then comes the ink room, where there are only four colours used –
cyan, magenta, black, yellow. Sir explained briefly about the CTP (
computer to plate ). We saw the printing of newspapers, coloured layer
by layer.
The newspaper is packed, loaded to the trucks and delivered to
millions of people. At the end some group pictures were taken and we
gave a token of thanks to sir Rahul who had been guiding us for the
whole day.
The visit to times of India was fun filled and very knowledgeable. We
went home with wonderful memories and it was a great experience to
visit the Times Of India.
As a student it was my honour to have a visit to the TIMES OF INDIA
PRESS (AIROLI) We the students of Convent of Jesus and Mary
International School Kharghar on saturday (01. 07. 2023) were taken
for a field trip to the Times of India Press at Airoli. I was proud to
pay visit to Asia’s largest press with finite technology and
meticulous planning done for every paper to be printed
At the press we were able to see different departments alloted for
different segments
That is :
1. Print department
2. Manufacturing department
3. Plate printing department
4. Ink department
5. Article mixing department
In the same way many other places in the press were also really
complementary and amazing which I never thought to see in my
life.Being in the last year of my school this visit was perfect for me
to keep it preserved forever.
The visit helped me and my classmates in learning the importance of
having updated technology, dedicated staff , and relentless support of
the team members .
We read newspapers every day but never knew the procedure and work
done to print the papers. We learnt the importance of updated
technology .The visit helped us to know the hard work of getting
newspapers printed every day.
As we left we etched on our hearts a big thank you to Mr. Rahul
Pardeshi and other team members for their guidance and support in
helping us learn the unknown.
The visit personally helped me to realize that the next time I see a
Newspaper, I respectfully pick it up, thereby respecting knowledge and
respecting the knowledge shared.
Drawing By:
Kinjal Hule
Grade 5 C
Drawing By:
Krushnanjali Shirke
Grade 5C
Drawing By:
Reya Premkumar
Grade 5 C
Story By:
Grade 4A
There was once a mighty elephant, called Gul. He was so proud of himself because all the animals ran away from him, because of his size. He would destroy their homes too and this made him more proud.
Once Gul was as usual boasting about his strength to his friends when one of his friend said, “It is not right to hurt the other animals , they are our brother and sisters”. However, Gul hesitated to listen to his friends. He said, “You see in a few days I will prove that I am the mightiest of all”. His friends left him saying, “Until you stop destroying we won’t be your friends”.
After a few days, Gul saw an anthill. He thought of demolishing it and he rushed straight to it and broke the anthill. Many ants were injured and dead. The ant leader then went to the elephant’s ear and said “Hey mighty elephant, I would like to talk to you”. The elephant heard the sound but didn`t know who it was. So he looked around and came to know that it was the ant. The ant said to Gul, “If you don`t apologize for what you have done I will bite you”.
“An elephant apologizing to a tiny creature like an ant? – NEVER”. So the ant went to the elephant`s eye and started biting it. The elephant understood his mistake, apologized and never again destroyed anything.
Article By:
Grade 4A
One Sunday morning, my family and I went on a trek at Karnala fort,Panvel. Our journey started through our car. There were lots of vehicles on the road. As it was Sunday, everywhere it was a chaos and a traffic. But my Father drove our car slowly and safely. Hence we could reach our destination safely. After reaching there we booked the entrance tickets. Also, the people who were incharge were checking our bags. To make sure that no one has bought any plastic bags and junk food. The purpose behind this was not to litter the place with plastic bags and to keep the fort clean. If anyone caught doing this they have to pay fine. This is a good practice to save our environment from pollution. Then we started our trek through the dense forest. There was a good atmosphere, calm place, birds chirping in their nests, winds blowing. It was really a good experience. After 2 hrs of trekking finally we reached at the fort. The Scenario was amazing! I enjoyed a lot there. I learnt that if we want to reach to our destination we have to focus on the path.
My learnings: Always drive safely and carefully also not to use plastic bags and litter the places.
Drawings By:
Tanvee Joshi
Grade 5 C
Rushda Kadam
Grade 6B
An international victory
( An experience shared by the prize winner of second runners up in Abacus competition held in South Korea)
I Rushda Kadam from Grade 6B would like to share with you one of the best experience of my life.
During Covid period, we were missing our physical & mental exercise too. We got addicted towards mobile & TV. My parents encouraged me that I should do some kind of activity which can help me in mental exercise. After searching many activities, we found Abacus as good exercise for metal growth. We also found it more exciting, so I chose abacus for mental exercise.
When I started learning Abacus, I came to know that there will be a National Competition as well as International competition for the same. And that time I kept these competition as my target for my growth in abacus & accordingly I started my effort to achieve expert knowledge in abacus & that become my motivation to improve my interest in abacus.
After winning National competition I got chance to participate in International competition & for that competition I went to south Korea. It was great experience to compete with participants from 13 countries. It was a great honour for me to represent our country at this kind of big platform. I have also understood that what kind of preparation required to compete on such big platform. Overall it was great experience of my life.
It is always great feeling to win trophy for our country. I really feel proud after winning this prize & also it gives me more energy to take more efforts to win bigger prize in my future competition.
I really expect your best wishes & blessing for my future journey.·
Poems by:
Tia Anand – Grade 5A
Nature of God
My World is full of beautiful Nature Where people harm each other and use stretchers.
The sun ,moon and stars are out of the Earth, but the trees, flowers and greenery belong to this Earth.
God has made a beautiful nature with all humans and animals living together.
The Earth is full of glory and holiness. And that’s why we should live in happiness.
Nature has provided us with fruits and flowers but we all are filled with a taste of sour.
We humans are made to make a beautiful chord this is the world, the nature of God.
God has gifted us with a nature so beautiful. But we humans are towards the nature very harmful.
All over the earth there is pollution. But there are some good people trying to find a solution.
My Mom
My mother is my only love, thou heart so pure as a dove.
Oh dear mother thou so bright when thou smile, thou light.
Oh mother so dear when I am closed by thou arm, I no longer feel the fear of harm.
Mother! thou love is unconditional. Thou are a woman very special.
oh! mother thou face is like a moon if thou don’t smile at me I am less fortune.
oh mother I give my life to thou to hold, thou are the one who can make me bold.
Thou are the Everything that I have thou are my mother, my only love.
Poem for grandparents anniversary
37 years together. Not many reach this day. While other marriages seem to fail. You were here to stay.
Together through all your struggles Together through all your strife’s
A threefold cord is not broken.
Remaining together as husband and wife.
Although life has given you problems You have also experienced much joy. When You Welcomed to your family. with two girls and one boy.
So in addition to these loved ones You granddaughter would like to say
“Congratulations and best wishes. On this… Your special day”.
Rushda Kadam – Grade 6B

Art by:
Varnika Pandey – Std VB
Article by:
Advika- Std 5B
Our lifeline Sun
Great, glorious and golden Sun
You are life of birds and plant
You are 93 million miles away from earth
But when you give light everyone feel close
You have so harmful gases
But still give energy and light
You are a fire ball
Far away from all
You meet everyone taking equal time
By not understanding big or small
You are the daylight of everyone
You come from East and sets to West
When you come everyone feels a new day
Your rays are very important
And medicine for everyone
Without you we can’t imagine how our life will go
Article by:
Anandi Goud – VB
The Peace
La la la la la…..Aa haa haa ha…..
The peace is around the world……
There is more peace in the world…..
No more fights…
No more tears…
And peace is everywhere on the earth….
There is peace everywhere I found on trees…flowers…and fruits…
I am always thankful for peace!
Drawings by:
Anandi Goud – VB
Article on Space
Aaradhya Chavan- Grade VB
Space is the area outside the Earth’s atmosphere. It begins about 100
kilometres above the Earth. The average temperature of space is – 270.45
degrees it is very freezing. There is no air in space it is a vacuum.Sound
waves cannot travel through a vacuum.Also,with no air to spread the sunlight,
space appears black with lots of stars.
Space consists of various celestial objects like stars,planets,galaxy
meteors… The gaps between the stars and planets are filled with huge
amounts of thinly spread gas and dust. Astronauts are people specially
trained which travel into space.They travel to space aboard a spacecraft.
Astronauts grow taller in space Just like Earth, the space to has a lot of man
made waste. This includes remains of rockets, satellite and objects from the
international space station. This space junk has been floating in the space
for many many years. In space there is a very interesting thing called solar
eclipse.The term of solar eclipse refers to a naturally occurring event during
which the Sun is partly a completely hidden from the view.You know that the
moon moves around the earth in its orbit.Sometimes while doing so it comes
it rain this Sun and the Earth.When this happens, it blocks the light of Sun
from reaching Earth.This causes and eclipse of the Sun,or a solar eclipse.
During a solar eclipse the moon casts two shadows on Earth. The first
shadow is called the umbra. As you can see, it is the dark centre of the
moon’s shadow. It gets smaller as it reaches the surface of the Earth. The
second shadow is called penumbra.It is the larger shadow that falls on the earth.
First person to go on moon was Neil Armstrong. First person to go in space
was Yuri Gagarin. The biggest volcano in the solar system is on Mars. It’s
name is Olympus mons. Saturn is the planet which has the most moons in the
solar system.It has 82 moons. The hottest and brightest planet in the solar
system is Venus. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Neptune 1 year is
equal to earth 164 years due to it is far from the Sun.Kalpana chawla is the
first Indian woman to go in space.The border of India and Pakistan is visible from the space.
Article by:
Bilal Mullaji – Grade VII A
My life is a big riddle,
Which you will love to cuddle.
But if you try to solve that riddle,
You will feel like you are stuck in a puddle.
It has thrill, drama, and adventure,
But it all went ruined
when parents say …
Study and make your future.
It is beautiful and awesome,
Because of the people around me.
Like my family members and friends,
They make me blossom.
Poem by

LArt work by
Poems by

Art work by
Art work by
Nayana Nagane -Grade 6B
Art work by
Siya Maner -Grade 6B
Art work by
Prince Kushwaha – Grade 6B
A Poem from Reva Sharma Grade 7B
The inner beauty??
The inner beauty of a beast shall never be discovered
Paintings By:
An Unforgettable Experience…
On 28th of July 2022, my class 7th B, went to an old age home ( Girija Welfare, kharghar) on the account of Parents Day. As a token of love we made paper flowers to share with the inmates. There, we happened to meet very lovely people though abandoned by the misery of life. They were very happy when we arrived. We could witness their love on our arrival. We met many people, wished them and gave the flowers which we had made. We stayed there for about an hour. When we were about to leave they were waving us goodbye. They were all so happy even in their very sad moments. Some of us were about to cry by seeing their condition and some did cry. This trip to the old age home taught us to be happy in our saddest moments.
Arham Mullaji
Grade 7b
An autobiography of a mask
Hello! I am a surgical mask. I am worn by almost everyone in this world. But do you know, why do they use me so much? Well, if you don’t know, let me tell you how I was made long ago. I was first invented in Europe, for as to protect people against a deadly disease named ‘Black Death’. I, at that time looked like a bird’s beak. But after hundreds of years, I progressed and developed and looked much like what I look today. I was mostly worn by doctors in the operating room then. Another plague occurred in China. This time, I met a Chinese surgeon who invented me. I looked exactly like what I look today, And from that day onwards, I was available on the streets, in the shops etc instead of just being available in medical departments. And that was how my life was filled with fears. But I retained courage and thought that one day I would become someone really powerful who would save thousands of lives. Summing up, I would like to say, no matter how difficult situation you are in, always keep hope and be confident that you can face any disastrous situation.
Hannah Mary
Does Social Media Broaden Perspectives Or Isolate View Points
Have you ever wondered what was the first message sent via Internet??
Let me tell you…
On 29th October ,1969, three months after Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon came another giant leap for mankind!
Charley Kline’s ‘LO’ or ‘hello’ became the first message sent via Internet. Charley Kline didn’t realize he was making a history!
People always want to connect themselves with society in some or the other way. Social Media is a vehicle for us to express our thoughts, words, and actions. Social Media has some of the most incredible potential, it reaches beyond borders, beyond belief systems, and beyond cultural walls.
It helps us to appreciate different perspective and worldviews to better understand the world we live in. With so much informative content shared across different platforms, social media users are given an opportunity to build a deeper knowledge on a variety of topics that interest them.
You are constantly updated with the latest news and happening. Social Media is like a worldwide online classroom. Different people share opinions on different issues. It is an open platform for anyone to express themselves. Thus, it helps us to broaden our perspectives. We now have access to so much knowledge at our fingertips.
The possibilities are endless…
Ironically, it took a turn for the worse, were one is left isolated, unappreciated, and inadequate. There is this virtual race against one another to trump one another, in terms of status, social mobility, and reputation.
We feel joy when we hear words that lift us up. We also feel the opposite impact when we experience word being used for manipulation or bullying or hate.
A post or text don’t always give us what we need. It can be mis constructed in some cases. We may never agree with many of the viewpoints we encounter. The expression of negative mindset to bully, to lie, to hurt, etc. may isolate viewpoints. This can result in being unable to express oneself.
Social Media feeds our natural tendency to compare ourselves with others. This can develop a feeling that you are in adequate. Research have also found that spending more time on social media isolate people from real communities.
Summing it up…
It’s no secret that teenagers love their social media.
Be mindful…
Every word you post online is a small ripple that makes a huge wave, a wave that cannot be stopped.
We are living in an information age, and more people get their information from social media than from any other source.
I invite you to be a part of the moment that stands for sharing truthful news, with the world.
Written by : Hannah Mary
Grade: 8
Aydin Martis
Doing right thing is more important than being popular
Albert Einstein said “What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.” Every person does what he or she thinks is better. Doing right thing is more important because honesty and
respect are more important than popularity. A great example of this is Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar. For himrespect was more important than popularity. Popularity isn’t a lasting thing. Today you are popular,tomorrow you are not.
The main difference between popularity and respect or doing what is right is that one is about surface
appearance while the other is about the admirable qualities that lie within. Doing right things means
that you can’t cheat anyone or lie anyone or move in god fearing life. Whereas popularity is something that makes a person greedy, and that kind of person can backstab own's friends to go forward, this lead a person to a wrong direction.
Everything in life eventually ends and disappears except the feeling of doing the right things and being a good human being. You can smile at being popular, but you can rest your head much easier and laugh out louder when you fulfill your duties as a human being.
I would rather work with someone I respect for making the correct decision than for being popular.
Doing things the right way may require more work, effort, selflessness and money. That’s the reason
that some people may not like it. But I believe that if the right things are done in a way people can know who’s doing that and their benefits, can make them popular.
There’s always a better way to do every right thing. We can always learn and make people aware of a thing. Sharing is good with those who are ready to take it as a lesson and for that, it has to be put in a proper way. Approach to anything matters more the concept of right/wrong.
When it comes to being right, the things that are involved has a lot to do with equality, fairness, and balance. What is taken must be return. What is given must be given back. An eye for an eye. Being right is about receiving consequences equal to the actions.
The right things may not always be the most popular thing. But you need to do what is right according toyour moral and ethical compass. There is a famous quote – “ Do what you think is right, not what people think is right. In the end, it's you who goes through it, not them”
Smoking and drinking is popular, but it isn’t always right. Breaking heart, cheating, bitching. These are popular, but it isn’t always right. Reading a book is the right habit, but it isn’t popular. Keeping your. words is the right habit, but it isn’t popular. Being kind is a right habit, complimenting others, supporting the weaker. These are right habits, but aren’t popular. You may not always get recognition of your good deeds.
I personally believe that as long as you have a clear conscience, knowing you have done what is right according to you then that is a job well done. What is right is subjective for everyone depending on their beliefs, morals and values. However, doing the popular thing may not always be the right thing especially if it affects your moral and ethical compass. No one can escape their conscience and thoughts.
So it would be futile to go against that just to be popular.
Written by -Aydin Martis
Grade 8
My life is like a sea without waves,
My life is like a mountain without caves,
I run in the streams of time
I live in the dreams of the universe
My life is like a book without chapters,
My life is like a look without admire,
I burn in the cold lava of volcanoes
I dive in the clouds of snow
My life is like a lion without its roar,
My life is like an ocean without a shore,
I get into pieces of paper
I get fixed by stitches of love.
(Self composed poem)
Natalie Mathew
Albert Einstein said what is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.
Good morning teachers and dear fellow mates. I am Natalie Mathew from Grade 8 and today I will share my views on the topic:
It is said that all important things in life are free. For example our life, the family we are born into, the air we breathe, the earth we live in and many more such blessings. Each individual is also born with a set of qualities and talents which is unique to himself or herself. It is up to us how we prioritise these gifts that we have been blessed with.
The right thing may not always be the most popular thing. But you need to do what is right according to your moral and ethical compass. I personally believe that as long as you can go to bed each night with a clear conscience, knowing you have done what is right according to you then that is a job well done.
What is right is subjective for everyone depending on their beliefs, morals and values. However, doing the popular thing may not always be the right thing especially if it affects your moral and ethical beliefs.
No one can escape their conscience and thoughts. So it would be futile to go against ones conscience just to be popular.
Popularity might look all shiny at the surface but it’s just a momentary thing.
While the respect a person gains by being true and honest in their daily life talks about the admirable qualities of that person which lay deep within one self.
Doing the right thing generally means making decisions that are not based on your own personal needs, that don’t expand your own popularity. It simply means doing what is best for the common good.
Dr. Ambedkar who chose to rise above his misfortunes and turn his adversities into fortunes not just for himself but for a country with a billion plus population.
Malala Yousafzai is an inspirational figure who encourages youth to step up and do what they know is right.
Greta Thunberg, the climate warrior faced the strongest and the most powerful forces in the world fearlessly to preserve Mother Earth for the future generations.
People appreciate those who are considerate about others. So the mantra to be Popular is, “Don’t try to be popular.”
Be genuine, be likeable, be the person whose presence brings a smile to people around you. Be the beacon in someone’s darkness. Be popular for the right reasons.
Name- Natalie Mathew
Grade- 8
Vaibhavi Singh
What is important?
Being right or being popular it’s hard question. Everyone has different answers and mine is right but everything has advantages and disadvantages too.
Let’s talk about being right, the disadvantage of being right is- being right all the time damages learning, to learn means to fail, be wrong, to fall so that you know you’re succeeding. And advantage of being right is- you will be confident, people will respect you, you will be independent and you will be popular about it.and now lets see if we do wrong and be popular imagine you kidnaped ministres daughter advantage is you will be popular you and disadvantage is you will not be popular for good, you have done something bad and you will be remembered for that. So, if given the choice between being right or popular pick being right.
Vaibhavi Singh
Grade 8